Friday, January 15, 2010

It is called Intellectual Property

Once upon a time utilizing the Internet was limited to the few. As it has grown and grown, many individuals seem to not realize that there is a professional aspect to doing business on the Internet.

Small business owners need to be careful to engage properly in the Cyber Laws as well as Business Laws.

Citizen journalists need to be aware that professionally trained journalists went through courses on Media Law. Trained journalists know the boundaries on writing about events as well as the precedences on the law books. Journalists and photojournalists know the judicial rules for taking a picture with a person in the line of sight. Simple it is not. And when professionals publish those words or photos; the material is Intellectual Property of the ones who created them or hired them. And all of these things I type are covered under the Digital Millennium Act as well as copyright, trademark, and Intellectual Property.

Not always does one have the ability to attend professional schools to be trained.
The Internet allows access to professionals who are busy posting various words, videos, tutorials, podcasts, and images. Embrace the moment and engage in the thinking and educational mentoring. But don't copy or reproduce professional work.
Remember: Professionals track it all!

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