Saturday, September 15, 2007

Moonbeam Chaser

Moonbeam Chaser 

This domain name has been indexed by major search engines, meta crawlers and bots.

An email has been established and the site has a sub-domain blog.

Went live Sept. 1, 2007 

A brand identity web development project by Graphic Designer Rebecca Lea.

Monday, September 10, 2007

New Domain Web Development Sites

I have two new domain sites, which are being developed for their name only at this point.

Check out the domain page and if you like the name for yourself be sure to bookmark the page.

When these two sites are independently ready FOR SALE, I will post the information at the proper locations.

Nightingale Dreamer

Moonbeam Chaser

I can be reached through my website: Graphic Designer Rebecca Lea - Timeline